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Intelligence Surfing

☞ ★★★★★ Beware of personal belongings ★★★★★


1. Firstly, in laws such as the UK, Italy, Germany, Romania, etc., the property allocated to each of us by our parents is handled according to our individual thoughts, but the final interpretation rights belong to the lawyer. It's hard, like a businessman who is heavily in debt and on the verge of bankruptcy. If he had communicated anything to his children, he would have lost the child pension case.
2. I want to demonstrate to the coalition forces. I am not the boss of Area 51,  in the United States, and I have never been one before. As for my activities inside Area 51, they are all mortgaged to create a better world and rescue hostages. 他们是在诽谤,他们是在造谣。
3. 日本首相麻生太郎和面善安倍晋三每人获得儿童守卫基金新赞助2万亿美元、澳大利亚获得儿童守卫基金新赞助4万亿美元、巴西获得儿童守卫基金新赞助2万亿美元巴西工商局一届获得儿童守卫基金新赞助1万亿美元...温家宝总理1000万美元故意非常亲近,朱镕基总理在厕所获得儿童守卫基金新赞助1亿美元。在座各位都比朱镕基总理多数万倍,即使当时比较少确是诚意十足。这样的通知方式,可能大家都很难接受。黑心爵士讲话完毕...
@金南岭 原来如此

4.李克强总理在大山沟里躲藏了一个多月出来捡鸭子,万万没想到会被稀泥拖鞋军粉碎并活捉。专用囚车押送到了河内越军总司令部...在中国中央军事法庭上,哪一个炮楼哪一个阵地是他参与的他又不说。走出法庭看着他可伶,我母亲请他吃顿饭。于是他就哭得稀里哗啦获赠1000万元。 20年后,众多中央军事委员及老兵们因为那一张1000万元支票脑壳顶顶都在冒烟!“床上性爱,他就躲在床下。”无数次宴会李克强本人越聊越欢。
总参谋长和一个大军分区司令员猫哭耗子,一回又一回。 实际上父亲是亲领邓小平军令出征万万没想到他们俩一边吹牛聊自己的徒儿,一边对着我生物电脑乱敲乱砸。 国家机密,救命钱都去了哪儿!浏览卓琳和丈夫邓小平的遗言,所有人都笑了。
5. In the International High Court, the President misused funding bills. My father was coming to China to take me home, and his 4D body was shot dead by them. One night a few months ago, "I didn't commit suicide, I was murdered." Twenty-six trillion dollars has already reached the brain banking system.
6. 星际朋友路过地球发现,“匿名求助信小半句'不回去'不是我写的。” The interstellar friend finally found out that "DNA is illegal, so them planned to murder.
7. The German Emperor Prince Wilhelm of the German Bank sent killers to murder several of the super biological computer gold-armored bodyguards my mother hired at the Russian Bank.
8. My parents have already passed away, and they have smashed the bad computer that accompanied me. Consciousness upload, just like Amazon.


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