Russian Federation
https://firstvds.ru/products/vds_vps_cheap (1.15 US dollar)
Multiple countries in Europe
https://www.arubacloud.com (3 US dollar)
https://www.kamatera.com/pricing ( 30-DayFreeTrial Only accept credit/debit cards issued by your local bank branch, with a card holder's name. )
https://www.vdsina.com/pricing/standard ( 1vCore1GB $0.06/day Traffic 32T Amsterdam 10% discount)
https://www.clouvider.com/vps ( 1vCore2GB $4.38/month 10G 5T New York, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas, Amsterdam, London and Frankfurt )
https://www.ihor.online/vds ( 1vCore768MB $1.1/month Helsinki Moscow, Amsterdam, London and Frankfurt )
https://timeweb.com/ru/services/vds ( 1vCore1GB 3.3GHz $2.00/month Saint Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Amsterdam, Poland, Kazakhstan )
Multiple cities in the United States
https://hudsonvalleyhost.com/self-managed-vps-2/ (OpenVZ128MB $15.00/year NewYork LosAngeles Chicago Atlanta Dallas)
https://cloudserver.net/billing/index.php?rp=/store/custom-packages/leb-1gb-annual-plan ( KVM1024MB $10.00/year NewYork LosAngeles Chicago )
https://us.ovhcloud.com/vps/cheap-vps ( BLACK FRIDAY 1vCore2GB $2.10/month VintHill Hillsboro )
https://alphavps.com/clients/store/ssd-kvm-virtual-servers ( 2vCore2GB €5.00EUR/month BG DE UK )
https://bytehosting.cloud/allproducts.html ( 1vCore4GB €2.99EUR/month Germany )
https://clientarea.space-hosting.net/store/free-trials (1 DAY Free Trial VPS)
https://www.ikoula.com/en/virtual-vps-server-hosting ( 1vCore1GB €2.73EUR/month France)
https://hostvds.com/#cloud ( 1vCore1GB $0.99USD/month SiliconValley Dallas Amsterdam Paris Moscow)
https://go.lightnode.com/hourly-billing-vps (1vCore2GB $7.71USD/month 150+)
https://www.serverhub.com/vps/ssd-vps ( 2vCore1GB $5USD/month Dallas FrankFurt NewYork Phoenix LosAngeles Seattle Chicago )
https://luxvps.net/kvmrootservers ( 1vCore4GB €3EUR/month Frankfurt )
https://speedypage.com/vps ( 1vCore1GB10Gbps3.4Ghz+ $4.29USD/month London LosAngeles Ashburn Singapore Tokyo )
https://www.1blu.de/server/vserver ( 1vCore2GB €3.9EUR/month Frankfurt )
https://www.biterika.com/servers ( 1vCore512MB €1.1EUR/month Moscow )
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